Career Ladder

Wyoming is committed to supporting our community of professionals who work with or on behalf of young children and families.

In order to provide a high-quality, nurturing early childhood environments for all children, it is imperative to have a highly competent early childhood workforce. Education and professional development provide the pathway to achieving this goal. The Wyoming Early Childhood Career Lattice for Providers and Administrators outlines this pathway.

The Career Lattice is distributed across nine levels (Levels 1-9), from Beginner (Levels 1-3) to Advanced (LLevels 6-9). Three criteria form the foundation of the Lattice:

  • Wyoming specific credentials
  • Nationally recognized Certifications and Credentials
  • Formal education

All registry members are leveled on the Lattice as result of Registry membership. In order to reach Level 3 through 8 (without the ELF/ELG Credential) you must submit either a copy of your certification (CDA or Montessori – Levels 3 and 4) or college transcripts (Levels 4 through 9).

As a result of reaching the Intermediate Levels (Levels 4 and 5) and Advanced Levels (Levels 6 through 9), registry member are able to receive part (Intermediate Levels) or all (Advanced Levels) of their Quality (non CCDBG Health and Safety Core) credits through portfolio submission rather than preapproved resources (traditional STARS approved trainings and media materials).

To see an image of the Career Lattice and the full protocol for portfolio submission, please click here.

My WY Registry Career Ladder